Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The research proposal explores various essays on cultural stages. Several essays stages reflect different experiences to the students. For instance, they interact at stages namely; early stage 1, and stage 3. In the first stage, students always learn on common characteristics shared by people. This is where they know differences on various social experiences as part of the research proposal students’ culture. The classroom as the base of interaction facilitates this as away of understanding indigenous studying process. In stage three, the students are just expanding the acquired research proposal knowledge in stage 2 of the essays learning process.
The level of research proposal understanding in stage three is high. Notably, complex symbols and essays are used in acquiring information on Australian identity. There is also influence of other cultures incorporated in the Australian community. The other new culture is from neighboring community. It is noted that when cultural understanding is supported, there will be general breakdown of sexism, racism, and related stereotypes improving the social well being the existing communities. 
On the teaching research proposal episode, I have opted to choose secondary grade in order to include indigenous perspectives in the essays area of study. The students’ essays make up is complex because the research proposal classroom is consisting of students from multiethnic communities. Education research proposal curriculum must enforce responsible cultural understanding amongst the students’ essays. This in a way enforces national integrity and individual appreciation of Australia. For instance, when teaching essays in a large urban region, there are multicultural students in one research proposal classroom.