Thursday, September 27, 2012


In summary, the only way or the most important way of avoiding plagiarized work in an essay is by writing the essay using personal statement. However difficult you may find this as a writer, it is the only way to overcome the difficulty of plagiarism which is hard for many essay writers. Personal statement becomes easy to construct if one constantly practices the construction. To come up with a personal statement in your essay, simply read and write in your own words. 
Avoid writing your essay in the words of the author of the source you used for your essay. This way, you are failing in coming up with personal statement. If you fail to use personal statements in places where it is necessary in your essays, it is always important that you cite that part of the essay. Citation of the essay entails telling the reader who the author of source you have used is. This is very important since you have not used personal statement and you will be accused of plagiarizing the essays. Otherwise all the other parts of the essays that are not cited should be personal statement.
The use of personal statements is not easy for most essay writers. This is because it is natural for some people to avoid being original in their essay. This is something that can be avoided so easily by using personal statement. The advantage of using personal statement in your essay is that the essay you will write will be original and free of any plagiarized parts. If you know that there is any part of your essay that you have not written in your personal statement, just cite this part of the essay.