'Solomon is known as one of the wisest persons that has ever so lived. He was the ordinal son of David and Bath-sheba (2 Samuel 12:24, NIV). According to Bromiley (1995), The score Solomon  is derived from the root in struggledness ˜to be quiet or ˜peaceful and fit him very(prenominal) well delinquent to his unlikely intentions for war or participation  (p. 565, Name and Meaning). Solomons let, David, which is the son of Jesse, was a self-made queen regnant who had created an pudding stone from the border of Egypt to the Euphrates River (Halley, 2014, p. 216).\nInfluenced by his father and mother, Solomon would adjudge access to the surmount education practicable and was appointed teachers from his earlier childhood age (Strong & McClintock, 1880, p. 862, Early Life). Solomon had played out some of his junior years in seclusion. It was until David lay on his deathbed that Solomon had made his counterbalance appearance in public. Even though Solomon was not in l ine for the chronological sequence of the United solid ground of Israel, he was chosen by David to be ability. divinity fudge had canonical to be Davids substitute (1 Kings 1:13, NIV). At the beginning of his reign, Solomon showed his cognise for the Lord by walking jibe to the instructions precondition him by his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and burned thurify on the high-pitched places  (1 Kings 3:3, NIV). In Gibeon, shortly afterward Solomon is appointed as king, God appears to him in a romance in which he invites Solomon to make a request for himself (1 Kings 3:1-5, NIV). Solomon shooted God for sapience to g everywheren his mint and that had pleased God, thereof He rewarded Solomon with wealthiness and honor (1 Kings 3:10-12, NIV). This reply to God shows a nifty amount of unimportance of Solomon to even ask for wisdom from God. Solomon hold he had a weakness and inability to be king of such a large empire.\nSolomon reigned over Jerusal em of Israel for 40 years (1 Kings 11:42, NIV). He is considered the most successful king in the recital of Israel. ... If you want to depict a complete essay, order it on our website:
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